Kessler “I Know Your Voice”
Album Reviews | Sep 1st, 2008
Record Label: YMA Records
Genre: Rock
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Kessler have been a band since 2005, and are from the Dallas area. They recorded a song for Coca Cola and that song got noticed by YMA Records. They play upbeat pop rock in the same vein as The Rocket Summer, Panic at the Disco, and Fall Out Boy. Their debut album will draw a lot of people in since this album contains all the right elements for the kiddies to eat this up. Big hooks, melodic singing & screaming, and guys with messy hair. Each song sounds like it could be on the radio; who knows they might already be? While this isn’t something I’d listen to, the band at least can play their music well. Expect to hear a lot more from Kessler.
Bottom Line: Not for me but this was okay
Notable Tracks: Love is War, Outside your Window
Overall Rating: