Maribelle – ‘Only An Impulse”

Album Reviews | Oct 15th, 2012

Record Label: Drugged Conscience Records
Genre: Alternative
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Jangly alternative rock with a bar rock, feel-good vibe, and dips into shoegazy folk. Unfortunately, the vocals kill it.

I normally love male-female vocals, but the female vocals sound strained and her vocals are only used to emphasize the male vocal line. So whenever the male vox call for some extra emotion or thrust, which seems to be at the end of every line, the female vox kick in. It’s needlessly jarring and irritating without any added value.

There are also too many slow patches on the album; the band is best when they play at a pulse-quickening pace and let the guitars rock out, such as on “Talk” and “Could Have Told You.”

Bottom Line: They probably need to be seen live to be appreciated.
Notable Tracks: Emotional Distance, Talk, Could Have Told You
Overall Rating:


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