Nathan Larson “Film Musik”
Album Reviews | Apr 30th, 2005

Record Label: Commotion Records
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Nathan Larson used to be in the band Shudder To Think, but now spends his days composing films like Boys Don’t Cry, Tigerland, Phone Booth and Dirty Pretty Things. There’s over 20 songs from various films that Nathan has worked on and is a nice compilation if you liked the music from movies that he composed. This type of film score is not necessarily the type of score I would listen to, but it definitely fits the movies he has done in the past. Some of the musical styles range from instrumental rock, hip hop beats, electronica or digitized music and some other styles. It’s nice background music but I prefer other composers that use an orchestra and isn’t as contemporary.
Bottom Line: Music is OK, I wouldn’t purchase this though.
Notable Tracks: Tigerland, Night Basketball,
Overall Rating: