Peter Calandra “Unknown Soldier”
Album Reviews | May 2nd, 2005

Record Label: Movie Score Media
I never heard of this movie before but I guess it’s some indie movie that was nominated for an independent Spirit Award in 2005. Movie Score Media is a new film music company specializing in digital distribution of high quality film music. Unknown Soldier is their first release. The score was composed by New York based composer Peter Calandra and I haven’t heard of any of his works until now. He’s done a few movies but haven’t heard & or seen them either so they must be indie flicks. He has done some work with Broadway productions like Miss Saigon, Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera as well.
The score is very jazzy, and pleasant to listen to. The music is done in a subtle way and isn’t very extravagant. I’m not a jazz fan so I wouldn’t necessarily listen to this album but it sounds like it really fits the movie. All those indie films have a score like this it seems. It fits the styles of those types of films. The song “Teen Hijinks” reminds me of Henry Mancini music from the Pink Panther cartoons. I like the song “Searching” because it’s not really jazz but more of an orchestral keyboard track. “The Escape” stands out because it’s an electronic action song and isn’t something jazzy. The songs after that are a bunch of nice & slow piano cues. Overall, I’m sure the score fits the movie well but I didn’t really think this score was all that exciting. I know it’s not suppose to be but I guess it’s just not my style of score music. Fans of jazz scores will dig this though.
Bottom Line: The score sounds good but not something I’d listen to again.
Notable Tracks: City Biking, Searching, End Credits
Overall Rating: