Philip Glass “Music From the Film the Illusionist”
Album Reviews | Nov 30th, 2006

Record Label: Rykodisc
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The Illusionist stars Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti and Jessica Biel. It’s about a magician in Vienna trying to win a love of a high stature woman, and uses his powers to win her over. Or something like that…I haven’t seen the movie yet but I heard it’s interesting. People who have seen the movie will most likely recognize the music is from Philip Glass, the minimalist composer who seems to have a love/hate relationship with film score fans. I for one, like some of his work and think his music is quite intriguing.
The Illusionist scores starts off with the title track and it sounds really cool. It has a somewhat mysterious sound to it and is heard throughout the score. By taking his minimalist approach, Glass has created something that seems very fitting for this type of movie. Another motif heard throughout the score can be heard in the track “The Secret Plan.” For some reason, I think of Sherlock Holmes when listening to that track. Actually, the whole score makes me think of some murder mystery (which isn’t a bad thing!). There are a few songs that stand out from the others, and the rest seem to just sit there to create a mood for the scene. Overall, I liked this album but I don’t know how many times I’ll end up going back to listen to it.
Bottom Line: Another interesting score from Philip Glass.
Notable Tracks: The Illusionist, Sophie, The Missing Gem
Overall Rating: