Poison Control Center “Glory Us: A Special Edition EP”
Album Reviews | Oct 27th, 2007

Record Label: Afternoon Records
Genre: Indie
Band Link: link
Buy on Amazon.com link
This is one of only 500 limited-edition EPs. Yay me! I’m important!
It features their first single off their new album “A Collage of Impressions,” which I actually didn’t receive. Booo me! I’m totally not important!
Their big single “Glory Us” is a zany dancey indie song with wispy, herky-jerky, falsetto vox. The other five songs – unreleased b-sides from the new album – are in the same vein if a little more straight-forward, a little more jangly, and a little less Modest Mouse rip-offy. But just a little.
Honestly, this wasn’t that much fun to listen to. I wish there were deprogramming centers for indie bands where they’re forced to listen to AC/DC until they get it right.
Bottom Line: Modest Mousey.
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