Post Bliss “A Cure With No Disease”
Album Reviews | Jun 30th, 2006

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It’s not what you would expect from a local band who is just starting out in the indie scene, but Post Bliss’s 5 song EP debut, A Cure With No Disease exhibits an unexpected dose of pure talent. The four piece from Yonkers has only been together formally since September 2005 but is certainly making a name for themselves throughout New York City. Post Bliss quickly moving on to conquer the tri-state area and beyond.
The musicianship displayed on A Cure With No Disease is quality and unexpected for any band’s first EP. This is most evident on the anti-war tribute “Lost Boys” which features a vocal effect, an acoustic intro, and a hard hitting second verse that completely transforms the sound of the song. The album starts off with a strong guitar intro into a phenomenal drum build up on “The Fall” which sets the energetic tone for the remainder of the album. The unique guitar sound remains prominent throughout the song, and stays strong into the solo intro for “Shape Shift”. “Shape Shift” exhibits singer Anthony Cardone’s soothing voice and vocal range with a heavy bass sound behind it. “Scenic Lane” shows off Tom Chiodo (drums) and Derek Oritz’s (bass) musicianship with an insane drum beat and a strong bass intro that holds till the song’s completion. The sound of the final song, “Is This Happening?” takes a bit of a departure from the rest of the album, it sounds more punk influenced and ends the album on an energetic up beat. The momentum of “Is This Happening?” is pushed by Kevin’s ever-changing guitar sound that keeps the album strong right until the last note.
Post Bliss has played throughout New York and continues to play the tri-state area on a regular basis. They will also be featured on the Buffalo date of this year’s Vans Warped Tour. Post Bliss sounds as though they are advanced beyond their time together, the music is solid overall and a departure from what most new bands are doing these days.
Bottom Line: This band has a lot of potential to go places, get on the bandwagon before it’s too late.
Notable Tracks: The Fall, Scenic Lane, and Is This Happening?
Overall Rating: