Red Light Driver – “…and Now We Can Be Ourselves”
Album Reviews | Apr 15th, 2009

Record Label: MFT Records
Genre: Indie / New Wave
Band Link: link
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Red Light Driver’s debut album “and now We Can Be Ourselves” will attract post-punk & new wave fans. Their influences of Joy Division, New Order, The Cure, Echo and the Bunnymen clearly show up in their style. I didn’t know what to expect with this album but I ended up liking it. I could see this band getting lots of exposure!
“The Long Face” starts the album off to a great start and I was hoping the rest of the album was going to sound like this. Thankfully it does, if not better. The singer has a style that you’d hear in the post-punk/new wave era. The guitarist seems to be influenced by Johnny Marr of the Smiths or Porl Thompson of the Cure; listen to “Now We Can Be Ourselves” and see what I’m talking about. Certain bands try to sound new wave sometimes and it just makes them sound like a bunch of wanna-be’s; but not Red Light Driver. These guys completely caught me off guard and I ended up really like this album a lot.
Bottom Line: For fans of post-punk, indie rock and new wave!
Notable Tracks: The Long Face, Buddha Johnson, Manic Saturday
Overall Rating: