Righteous Jams “Rage of Discipline”
Album Reviews | Nov 30th, 2004

Record Label: Kung Fu Records
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This is Righteous Jams’ anticipated EP (even though there is ten songs on here). The songs are short so that’s why Kung Fu is calling this an EP. This was released already but Kung Fu is re-releasing it. It’s sort of funny how the singer and guitar player first met. They met during a robbery. Well not really funny but whatever. I guess the story would be funny if the robbery took place at a Chucky Cheese. Righteous Jams are on New Found Glory’s Chad Gilbert’s label, Broken Sounds and this is the first Broken Sounds/ Kung Fu collaboration.
Their sound is straight up Boston hardcore. The vocals are similar to CIV’s a little. The band isn’t tied to any associations or fashions and just want to play some heavy music. That’s refreshing to hear. Included on this CD is an e-card featuring some concert footage, links and more. Worth a look if you like Boston old school hardcore.
Bottom Line: Decent hardcore band from Boston Mass.
Notable Tracks: Rage of Discipline, Green Eyes
Overall Rating: