River City Rebels “Racism, Religion, And War”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Victory RecordsGenre:
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Political punk rock with horns. I like it. They sing about Racism, Religion, and War..haha DUH!! The first track “Hate” shows what type of music RCR brings. I like the chrous of that song. “We’re all the same…There’s nothing but shame.” They guys remind me of bands like Against All Authority and Bombshell Rocks. The second song “Religion” is something I know a lot about, about door to door religions who I always agrue with. I don’t come to your house with what I believe in do I? “The System” is a song I heard on a couple of comps. and I like that one as well. There’s a lot of good songs on here and you would be foolish not to get this CD.

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