Schleprock “Learning To Fall: The Schleprock Anthology”
Album Reviews | Feb 12th, 2007

Record Label: Fiend Music
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21 tracks celebrating the Suburban Los Angeles punk band, which formed back in 1988 and later disbanded in the late 90’s. Also, “Learning to Fall,” is somewhat a memoriam for their guitarist and their friend, Jeff Graham, who passed in 2002. This album is a great tribute to Jeff, as well as awesome introduction to a band that hit it stride in the 90’s. Opening for bands like Green Day, Rancid, Blink 182, and Bad Religion and being signed to a major label, Schleprock were formed with the intentions of just bothering neighbors and the locals with loud, fun, punk rock.
“Learning to fall” also is compiled of some of the best tracks, as well as rare/unreleased material, with the demo that got the band signed to Warner Brothers. I really discovered the band when “America’s Dirty Little Secrets” was released. Exposure on MTV and radio can do that. Now, singer Doug Dagger is fronting another favorite, The Generators. If you want to check out a long overdue reunion show for Schleprock and live in California, go see them in September and let me know how it goes!
Bottom Line: A must-have for Schleprock fans, as well as for punk fans
Notable Tracks: Can’t Hold Me Down, TV Dinner (Manchester Dub Mix), Outlaw, Minute by Minute, Suburbia
Overall Rating: