Screeching Weasel “Boogada Boogada Boogada (Remastered)”
Album Reviews | Feb 6th, 2007

Record Label: Asian Man Records
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Asian Man Records is re-releasing a lot of Screeching Weasel albums and that rocks! This is the first of the Screeching Weasel re-release albums, and there’s lots of classic pop punk songs on here.
Believe it or not, I never really listened to Screeching Weasel until now. I’ve heard a few songs on comps and on college radio stations; but not listened to full length albums. I’m a fool for not listening SW until now. These albums are awesome and have that amateur raw punk rock sound. The songs can be dorky or fun at times and I like that as well. Plus from time to time, Screeching Weasel covers some fun songs, like on this album, it’s Del Shannon’s “Runaway.” The one thing that is noticeable after hearing SW for a lil bit, is that they certainly are trying to go for that Ramones style. Fast & raw short songs, and plenty of em! As far as the re-mastered quality is concerned, I do notice a considerable better sound quality than the original album. 26 Tracks of pure punk rock, and any person who claims they are into punk should listen to Screeching Weasel. I was dumb and should have listened to SW sooner.
Bottom Line: If you don’t own this album already, well go out and get this CD! PUNK ROCK!
Notable Tracks: Stupid Over you, I Hate Led Zeppelin, Sunshine, Supermarket Fantasy
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