Screeching Weasel “My Brain Hurts”
Album Reviews | Apr 27th, 2005
Record Label: Asian Man Records
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When I first got the Screeching Weasel reissues, this was the first one I listened to. Not sure why, but this is the album that got me hooked on the band. The album has been remastered by Mass Giogini (Sonic Iguana) and the album has all new artwork as well. The album’s audio quality has improved immensely. That’s the main reason to get this album if you don’t already own it.
There are many classic pop punk tunes on this album, which includes Screeching Weasel’s version “I Can See Clearly Now.” When the word pop punk gets mentioned with certain bands, it’s bands like The Ramones, The Queers, The Descendents and Screeching Weasel that come to mind. Not like the crap you hear on the radio and MTV. Get this CD if you don’t already own it.
Bottom Line: This is probably one of my favorites albums from Screeching Weasel
Notable Tracks: Guest List, Veronica Hates Me, Cindy’s on Methadone, Teenage Freakshow
Overall Rating: