Scum Of The Earth “Blah Blah Blah Love Songs For The New Millennium”

Album Reviews | Nov 29th, 2007

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Record Label: Eclipse Records
Genre: Metal
Band Link: link
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Featuring members of Rob Zombie’s band, SOTE have a similar – okay, identical – sound: crunchy and swirly riffs, deep and slightly distorted vox, and a B-movie horror/t&a lyrical theme.

So it sounds exactly like White Zombie / Rob Zombie (maybe a little more like earlier midtempo White Zombie than the electro-fied Rob Zombie solo career). But because the quality is as matched as the sound, I have no complaints. I’d think if the members wanted to do a side project, they’d want to sound a little different, but no matter. It’s all good stuff. Plus a couple of the songs come with some crazy technology that let’s you remix the song on your computer. That’s a really cool idea.

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