Shook Ones “Facetious Folly Feat”
Album Reviews | Nov 4th, 2006

Record Label: Revelation Records
Genre: Hardcore
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It’s great to hear a midtempo, melodic hardcore band on Revelation, rather than some sludgy metal-wannabe garbage. The problem, though, is that Shook Ones is so incredibly inept and sloppy that they don’t stack up in the hardcore scene.
The vocals are throaty but good; it’s too bad he has to shout to be heard over the poorest hardcore I’ve heard since… well, since the last Victory release. The guitars are really loud and fuzzy in the mix and slightly offkey; the drummer seems to be playing for a different band. I wondered why I tolerated their awful ballad “Ebb and Flow,” and then it struck me that there’s no rhythm accompaniment. The drumming is that bad.
I’m glad Shook Ones aren’t trying to be scary or mmmmmetal, but they are really subpar, uninteresting, and inept.
Bottom Line: Inability to keep a beat or your interest.
Notable Tracks: None
Overall Rating: