Snuff “Disposable Income”

Album Reviews | Jun 3rd, 2008

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Record Label: Union Label Group
Genre: Punk
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It’s been awhile since I heard Snuff, and either I’ve grown to like them or this is their best album yet, cuz now I’m wondering why I didn’t keep their older stuff.

This longtime British punk band is doing stuff that’s both incredibly melodic and yet different and experimental (within the context of punk). They’re definitely not as thrashy and noisy as people have said – I’ve been shaking my ass to each and every song. But they are full-sounding, and the singer sounds like a harmonizing Lemmy. It’s like listening to really amazing punk in the middle of a hurricane or wind tunnel.

Big-sounding yet contained, exhilarating but enveloping… this is one hell of a punk album. I think I just lost my virginity to it.

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