Suicide Machines “A Match and Some Gasoline”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Side One Dummy
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I didn’t hear SM’s last album but I heard it wasn’t that good but this sounds like they are back to normal. But how would I know right? haha. They still explore into that skapunkish music which I like, but they also play fast, in yo face punk/hardcore. This album is similar to their first 2 albums in the sense that they did a skapunk track, and then did a punk or hardcore one. It’s good to mix things up and not have one set of style. What’s good about the Suicide Machines is they can pull off all three styles: ska, punk, hardcore. Some people might complain that this album is too short. But I don’t have a problem with it because I’d rather have a band concentrate on fewer songs, instead of releasing a bunch of subpar songs and only have a few good tunes. In the art field there is a saying: “less is more.” I’m very pleased with this album, and think that the Suicide Machines released a top notch album!
Bottom Line: Suicide Machines are back on a smaller label, and their music is better too!
Notable Tracks:
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