Templars “Clockwork Orange Horror Show”
Album Reviews | Oct 30th, 2004
Record Label: Templecombe Records/TKO Records
Band Link: link
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Oi! Oi! Oi! That’s what this CD is all about. The Templars sound like an early 80’s Oi band with a little bit of early Black Flag mixed in with it. This EP, which is a re-release of an old vinyl pressing, consists of five original songs and a couple of cover songs by the Angelic Upstarts and Major Accident. There’s not much to write home about here. Most of the songs sound similar to each other, and the band doesn’t bring anything fresh and new to the scene. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not a bad release. The album was originally released on vinyl back in ’95 and it keeps the raw “we recorded this in our basement sound”. Unfortunately, the CD release doesn’t add much to the overall production value.
One of the best things about this EP is the cover artwork. The cover depicts a cartoon parody of characters from the movie, A Clockwork Orange along with an extremely large orange in the background. It’s one of the funniest album covers that I have ever seen. Overall, I would like to hear more of the Templars, like maybe a full album for instance. I just didn’t seem to get a good feel for them from this EP. You can check out the Templars at www.thetemplars.com. I know I will.
Bottom Line: If you’re into old-school Oi, then this is for you.
Notable Tracks: Teenage Warning, Clockwork Orange Horror Show
Overall Rating: