Terry Anderson And The Olympic Ass-Kickin Team “S/T”

Album Reviews | Aug 29th, 2007

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Record Label: Double Naught
Genre: Country/Rock
Band Link: link
Buy on Amazon.com link

I don’t know what the hell it is I’m listening to, but it kicks my ass. It’s like country rock but with a totally rock n roll “I don’t give a fuck” attitude.

I hate country rock, even light-hearted country rock, but these guys have some sort of pure, fun, goofy rock n’ roll quality that makes them impossible to dislike. Check out the snappy and incredibly fun “Can’t Get The One You Want,” the poppy rock tune “You Know Me,” the bluegrassy “$100 A Week,” the spurs-stompin’ “Rehab,” and two great songs about two great cars – “Purple GTO” and “Thunderbird.”

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