The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra – “The Music of Star Trek”
Album Reviews | Nov 7th, 2009

Record Label: Silver Screen Records
Genre: Film Score
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Khan!!!!! I’ve always liked the music of Star Trek, just wasn’t a Trek fan until the new movie came out. I still feel cynical about watching the old Star Trek stuff for some reason. It’s just a whole new movie/TV universe to get involved with and I don’t know if I have to strength to sit through all those movies and TV series. There’s just so many of them. If anything, I’ll just watch the movies.
But like the Batman music CD that was previously released, the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra also released a whole CD of Star Trek music including a track from the new movie! The opening track “Star Trek: The Motion Picture – End Titles” is from the late, great Jerry Goldsmith, who composed the music for a few Star Trek movies. James Horner’s music is represented with tracks from Wrath of Khan, and The Search for Spock. Out of all the composers that have worked on the Star Trek franchise, those 2 film composers will always stick out from the rest I think. But I have to say, Michael Giacchino’s score for Star Trek was wonderful. That doesn’t mean the rest of the composers’ work isn’t good either, I’m just saying those 2 or 3 composers stand out.
The music that the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra has put together a CD that flows nicely together and it makes you think you’re listening to one giant Star Trek score. I would have liked to have more variety from the Jerry Goldsmith pieces though. But then again, it’s the Star Trek theme so it has to show up in the pieces one way or another. Overall, this is a great collection of Trek tracks!
Bottom Line: For Trekkies, film scores fanatics, and people who can appreciate film music.
Notable Tracks: Star Trek: The Motion Picture – End Titles, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – End Titles, Hella Bar Talk/Enterprising Young Men
Overall Rating: