Eruptors, The “Bad Time To Be Having A Good Time”

Album Reviews | Apr 26th, 2008

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Record Label: Maniac Squat
Genre: Noise
Band Link: link
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Loud, noisy and fast punk rock from London, UK. The album contains 14 tracks but every other track seems to be a short clip of something. It’s sort of a waste and might fool people into thinking this album is longer than it really is. But perhaps I don’t mind that it’s shorter since this music is quite noisy, and in my opinion; not very good. I had to skip a few tracks because the audio just got so loud and obnoxious. But maybe that’s what The Eruptors were trying to go for? My advice, stay away from this.

Bottom Line: Mediocre noisy rock from the UK
Notable Tracks: None
Overall Rating: