Tiger Army “Music from Regions Beyond”

Album Reviews | May 29th, 2007

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Record Label: Hellcat Records
Genre: Pyschobilly?
Band Link: link
Buy on Amazon.com link

Well so long pyschobilly! It’s funny to see how much a band’s sound can change over the course of just one album. I loved Tiger Army III: Ghost Tigers Rise’ and think it’s the band’s best album to date (still do). It was a great mixture of pyschobilly, punk, rock and even a little bit of country western. Now Tiger Army is back with a brand new album and they sound like AFI and the Bravery got together to record an album together. So I’m not sure many loyal Tiger Army fans will really like this album. Maybe their die-hard fans will soon regret getting all those Tiger Army tattoos?

Like with most Tiger Army albums, they start off with an intro song. Just from the intro song, you can tell that the band had changed directions and went for a completely different sound. The band still has a few songs where it’s reminiscent of their older sound but you can obviously tell the band wants to be considered more than a punk rockabilly band. The second & third songs (Hotprowl, Afterworld) were my favorite because it sounded like their old selves, but after that is when the band starts to sound different. The next song “Forever Fades Away” sounds like a poppy AFI tune and it’s definitely a radio-friendly song. Another song that sounds really out of character is “As the Cold Rain Falls.” There are synthesizers in the song, and it sounds like it came out of the 80’s new wave movement. “Don’t turn around whoa oh…”

I think their newer sound is good, it’s just not something I was expecting or like as much as their older sound. To me, it seems the band is trying to fit in more and get more popular. I’m sure Tiger Army would just say they are just maturing their sound. But regardless of what I say, listen for yourself to see if you like this new album from Tiger Army. Right now I like about 5 songs on the album. Each time I listen to “Music from Regions Beyond,” I seem to like specific songs more and more. And then there are songs I immediately skip. You be the judge.

Bottom Line: I liked some songs on this album but feel they changed their sound too much.
Notable Tracks: Hotprowl, Afterworld, Lunatone, Pain
Overall Rating: