Tim Fite – “Fair Ain’t Fair”
Album Reviews | Mar 6th, 2009

Record Label: Anti Records
Genre: Weird
Band Link: link
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I’ve seen Tim Fite’s name popping up here and there but I never really listened to his music before. I kind of wish I never did. Maybe I’m just a person who “doesn’t get it” but this music was unbearable to me.
Fite mixes the weird combination of hip hop, alternative, and country. The obnoxious sampling gets old quickly and makes me cringe. He seems like he’s trying to be the next Tom Waits but I think he fails big time! The music just comes out all messy and it doesn’t sound right to me. What makes me hate this album the most is Tim Fite’s vocals. It just seems that Tim doesn’t know what style of music he wants to be. Whatever style it is, I don’t like it.
Bottom Line: I couldn’t stand this album
Notable Tracks: None
Overall Rating: