Tommy And The Terrors “Unleash the Fury”
Album Reviews | Jul 26th, 2006

Record Label: TKO Records
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Oi! Oi! Oi! And anarchy to all!!! That’s the sound that Tommy and the Terrors produce to great effect. Tommy and his Terrors hail from the mean streets of the Boston punk rock scene, home to the Dropkick Murphy’s, Murphy’s Law and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The Terrors are heavily influenced by the sounds of the Murphy’s (Unleash the Fury was produced by Matt Kelly of the Dropkick Murphy’s) as well as old school street punk and Oi bands such Cock Sparrer, the Exploited and the Subhumans.
I’ll be the first to admit it, I like street punk and all but I hate listening to an album in which most of the songs sound the same. At first I found myself losing track during most of the songs. They just seemed to melt together as one long song. I didn’t find much variety on Unleash the Fury. Some will argue that that’s what punk rock is about, and then I’ll argue with them that yeah, maybe thirty years ago you could get away with it, but it take a little more than three chords to get people to listen nowadays. This isn’t a knock on Tommy and The Terrors since they’re playing what they like and what they want to play and their keeping the spirit or ’77 alive and well in a world of manufactured radio punks.
I’m not going to dwell on the negatives though because there were a few gems on Unleash the Fury. I liked the sing-a-long Swinging Utters feel to I’m Coming Home and the ode to the Dropkick Murphy’s that’s prevalent on I, Barcode and Death To You. The album cover is also very kick ass. As in typical punk rock fashion, there are 15 songs and the record clocks in at a measly 26 minutes. I would much rather listen to Tommy and the Terrors over five million other radio friendly wannabe’s any day.
For those of you in need of your street punk or Oi fix, Tommy and The Terrors is a great band to satisfy that need. This is one of those angry drink along with albums that only the dirtiest of the dirty would find themselves listening to. Hey, everyone has their guilty pleasures.
Bottom Line:
Notable Tracks: I’m Coming Home, I, Barcode, Get Away, Here We Go
Overall Rating: