Various Artists “Caribbean Divas”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Record Label: Victory World
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This is Victory World’s third release, and I think it is the best CD so far! I thought I would hate this CD because I don’t like female singers in certain genres, like ska or punk. But I enjoyed this CD a lot. It made me want to dance around the room and blow a whistle, and dress up like Harry Belafonte. My favorite song on this comp. is from Sharlene, called “Mister DJ.” The way, fellas will love the front Cd cover, and I got a poster of it!! ROCK! Other female artists that I liked on this Cd was Gailann, Melanie & Nicholai, and Fate. I like when their is multiple singers in the band. It adds something different to the songs. Fans of Caribbean female singers will definitely like this CD because I did!

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