Various Artists “Hopelessly Devoted To You Vol. 4”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Hopeless Record
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Hey, you can’t beat 4 bucks for a cd! This Comp. is filled with all Hopeless Records bands, like past Hopelessly Devoted To You compilation. Hence having the name “Hopeless” in it, because you know the label is name Hopeless Records. Forget it, you get the point! Some bands get the 2 song treatment and others just get one. Lots of great songs Common Rider, Against All Authority, Mustard Plug and Thrice. A lot of the songs are unreleased and I like that. I like the new Mustard Plug’s song a lot and I can’t wait to hear their new album. Common Rider’s Small Pebble” is a really great song and can’t wait to hear that album as well. Get it if you like any of the Hopeless bands.
Bottom Line: Sure thing, 4 dollar comps rock!
Notable Tracks: AAA- “Dinkas When I Close My eyes” Common rider “Small Pebble” Mustard Plug “Not Enough”
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