Various Artists “Love and Affection”

Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

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Another Moon Ska compilation devoted to a theme, now don’t get all mooshy….Love and Affection. It’s got some prime tracks on here like Bucket of The Toasters, side project Lower East Side Buck doing “Davina.” I really like this song, it’s got that toasters feel to it, which just wants to make me dance. Also I like The Porkers song “Perfect Teeth.” At first, I thought Pete Porker wasn’t singing vocals but I listened closely and it was him. It doesn’t have that ska-core Porkers sound but something more on the lines of 2Tone and Third Wave Ska. Other songs I like are Skinnerbox’s “Uno Dos Tres.” It sings some of the song in spanish which I thought was cool. Another track that stood out was Mark Foggo’s Skasters’ “Fat Girl.” This guy is from Holland, I think. Some other tracks that were good were from Critical Mass, Chris Murray doing a Toasters song “Thrill me Up” in two different versions, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble, and The Toasters. Overall this cd is pretty good and is great music to get with a loved one and get frisky with, if you know what I mean. B

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