Various Artists “Rock Against Bush Vol. 1”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: Fat Wreck Chords
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This punk compilation has two things as it’s goal, get people to vote through The second thing is TO GET THAT SHITHEAD PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH OUT OF OFFICE. There’s so many good bands on here (all AntiBush mind you), that Fat Wreck is making more than one volume of the series. Hey I’m all for that idea! A lot of the songs on here are rare, unreleased songs and some that have been various albums before. Jello Biafra with DOA’s song “That’s Progress” has been out there for awhile now, but it still effective to this day, and it’s a kick ass song as well. I wish Jello would play more music instead of talking about things. I liked a lot of the tunes on here but there’s some I could do without just because it’s not my thing. I was really happy to see that legendary Billy Bragg performs with Less Than Jake of all bands. The song they play is “the Brightest Bulb Has Burned” and that song can be heard on their latest album “Anthem.” It’s more of a style Billy Bragg plays and I like it a lot! It’s great way to finish off the album. An added bonus to the CD is that it comes with a DVD that features stand up from brilliant comedian David Cross, music videos from Bad Religion, Strike Anywhere, Anti Flag and NOFX. Other features included on the DVD is a small montage piece with news stories and footage from the Bush Administration, and some funny and great commercials and trailers. I would buy Rock Against Bush Volume 1 just as the CD, but knowing that a DVD comes with it more lucrative. I think this is a great concept to get people to sign up and vote against Bush, hell this will be the first time I’m participating in voting. So go out and vote!…And knowing is half the battle! GI JOE!!
Bottom Line: Vote Bush out of office!
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