Wedding, The “The Sound The Steel”

Album Reviews | Sep 1st, 2008

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Record Label: Brave New World
Genre: Punk
Band Link: link
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The Wedding sound like every other punk band these days: epic punky sound that is neither fast or really that hard, full of metal flourishes, borderline emo melodies, a little bit of screaming (but not enough to be screamo), a ridiculous sense of self-seriousness, and absolutely nothing that sets them apart from the hundreds of other punk bands that take cues from Thursday, My Chemical Romance, and all the others. The worst part of all of this is that I really like the album art and packaging on this one. I sincerely hoped that it might be different then every other promo I seem to get. Alas, it’s just the same old. Oh, and all of the songs have one word titles that start with ‘re’. Talk about not being able to tell this stuff apart…

Bottom Line: Sounds exactly like every other punk band.
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