Book Reviews | Feb 19th, 2007
Author: Albert Einstein
Publisher: Routledge Classics
Genre: Science
Pages: 176
Retail Price: 9.99
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This physics classic, originally released in 1916, completely changed the way we observe the universe. Routledge smartly included it with their new Classics series, which features some of the most fascinating titles on a wide array of topics (authors include Max Weber, Jean Piaget, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Carl Jung, Jean-Paul Sartre and Marcel Mauss to give you an idea of the diversity of this series).
Relativity is designed very handsomely, as a light-weight trade paperback, perfect for subway or beach reading. If all you know about greatest thinker of our time is E=MC2, this is an excellent place to learn about his greatest works that revolutionized physics.
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