Big Bad Mama: Special Edition

DVD Reviews | Mar 5th, 2006

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Starring Angie Dickson, William Shatner, Tom Skerritt, Sally Kirkland
Written By:
Directed By: Roger Corman
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The problem with reviewing Roger Corman movies is that they’re… well… Roger Corman movies. The man made literally 500 movies, and only a handful could be considered good in the normal sense of the term. The rest… well, they run the gamut of fun shlock to just shlocky. Big Bad Mama, which is a sexploitation classic of sorts, is the latter.

Angie Dickinson plays a poor country mom with aspirations of a better life who, after breaking up her daughter’s hillbilly wedding, gets in a car with her two daughters for a trashy journey through violence and sex. That is, low-budget 1974 violence and sex, which consists of numerous t&a scenes and bad car chases. While titillating over 30 years ago, it hasn’t held up as well as Angie Dickinson’s breasts (she was 43 when she did this movie, and she’s hotter than the actresses playing her dopey and underdressed daughters).

Big Bad Mama is campy, but not that much fun to sit through. It’s essentially Bonnie & Clyde meets Dukes of Hazzard with a couple of threesome and striptease scenes. Luckily, with technology not available 30 years ago, we can quickly bypass the flimsy storyline and just enjoy the sexy scenes and William Shatner’s performance (he seemed to be under the impression that he was in a real movie).

Mama Knows Best: A Retrospective: A compelling look back at the Corman Classic featuring current interviews with Roger Corman, Director Steve Carver, Star Angie Dickinson and Writer Frances Doel
Audio Commentary
Original Trailer

ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Mono

Standard 1.33:1 Color


Favorite Scenes:
Rating: R
Running Time: 84 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: