Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The Complete Fifth Seas
DVD Reviews | Mar 4th, 2005

Starring Sarah Michelle Gallar, Marc Blucas, Michelle Tractenberg, Alyson Hannigan, Anthony Stewart Head, Emma Caufield, James Marsters
Written By:
Directed By:
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I’m not a Buffy fan. I never got into the show, mainly because I thought the show was too geeky for me and my extreme fear for vampires. (I know I’m a geek but I do have to draw the line somewhere) I’m probably one of the few that actually likes the movie better than the TV series haha. Come on, Kristy Swanson is hot! Luke Perry and David Arquette will make any movie brilliant. Ok that last sentence was being sarcastic but I don’t know, I just don’t like the TV series that much.
I checked out some extras and an episode or two on here to see what the hoopla is about. The DVDs that I was watching had great quality to the video and audio. The video is super crisp and clear, but it’s full screen so that’s the only downfall to it. More and more TV shows are doing them in widescreen now like Firefly, Sopranos, 24 and it’s just looks better widescreen. But you watch the show in full screen so it doesn’t really matter. The extras are spread out on the 6 disc set but I only got to see the bonus material on disc 6. That disc contained featurettes on the character of Dawn, The Story of Season 5 and “Natural Causes.” Plus there’s a still gallery with about 50 or so images on there, and a trailer to the game.
I don’t like the show but this is still a great boxset to get for the holidays if you are a Buffy fan and I know there is quite of a few of you out there!
Disc 1: script for “The Replacement”, commentary for “Real Me” by writer David Fury and director David Grossman
Disc 2: Script for “Fool For Love”, commentary for “fool For Love” by writer Doug Petrie
Disc 3: Script for “Into the Woods”, featurette: “Buffy Abroad” (5.00) featurette: “Demonology n- A Slayer’s Guide” (10:00), featurette: “Casting Buffy” (10:00), featurette: “Action Heroes! n- The stunts of Buffy” (10:00), Buffy series outtakes (5:00)
Disc 4: Script for “Checkpoint”, commentary for “I was made to love you” by writer Jane Espenson
Disc 5: Commentary for “The Body” by writer/director Joss Whedon
Disc 6: Featurette: “The Story of Season 5” (30:00), featurette: “Natural Causes” (10:00), featurette: “Spotlight on Dawn” (10:00), still gallery (approx. 50 static images), interactive game trailer n- “Buffy video game trailer”, DVDn-ROM Buffy Demon Guide (250mb).
Favorite Scenes: didn’t really have any
Rating: NR
Running Time: 990 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: