DVD Reviews | Aug 14th, 2007

Starring Shia LaBeouf, David Morse, Carrie-Anne Moss, Sarah Roemer
Written By: Carl Ellsworth, Christopher Landon
Directed By: D.J. Caruso
Studio: Dreamworks
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Up and coming star, Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) gets his big starring role in a new twist on the thriller-high school dramedy genre. A risky move to have two different genres come together proved big results for Director DJ Caruso and the stars of Disturbia as it was a hit this spring in theaters. Now available to own, relive the excitement and chills of this creepy thriller.
Shia LaBeouf plays Kale Brecht, a teenager down on his luck, who happens to get arrested and is placed under house arrest for 3 months. Sounds like not a bad gig to me, but extreme boredom kicks in. This leads to the inevitable, which is spying on his neighbors. Come on, who hasn’t? These actions lead him to two completely different homes. One of which is the new girl on the block, played by Sarah Roemer. The other is played by David Morse as the creepy guy who isn’t very friendly and looks like an axe murderer. After some late night snooping, it eventually leads to that pretty much.
I think Shia LaBeouf really carried the movie and made it better than it should have been because it really didn’t work for me. I can see what the director was going for by trying to make a thriller that was trapped in a “John Cusack movie” as they put it, but it didn’t feel right. It was forced and I groaned plenty when they had the typical high school moments between Shia’s character and Sarah’s. The relationship wasn’t very believable and I think they could have cast a stronger actress to play Sarah’s character. In my opinion they could have really tied the very beginning of the movie together with the rest of the film and would have been a bigger shocker than I think audiences would have liked to see.
With the extra features, you get plenty to choose from besides the film which is always good. The usual batch of extras include a making of featurette, deleted scenes, outtakes, photo gallery, commentary and a music video. You know, the usual lot. It’s just enough to wet your appetite for a little extra on top of the film.
I think the film was entertaining, but fell flat with a few areas. They really could have had a big payoff in the end with David Morses’ character but chose to ignore the beginning and to me, that felt like a separate mini movie from the rest of the film.
-Commentary by Director D.J. Caruso and Cast Members Shia LaBeouf and Sarah Roemer
-Deleted Scenes
-The Making of Disturbia
-Serial Pursuit Trivia Pop-Up Quiz
-Music Video – “Don’t Make Me Wait” – This World Fair
-Photo Gallery
And More
Widescreen 1.85:1 Color
English, Spanish, French
Favorite Scenes: Opening Sequences, Testing the boundaries, Watching the neighbors
Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 104 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: