Family Business: The Complete First Season
DVD Reviews | Mar 4th, 2005
Starring Seymore Butts, Cousin Stevie, Mom, and lots of pornstars
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Directed By: Jay Blumenfield, Anthony Marsh
Studio: Showtime Entertainment Anyone not familiar with
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Anyone not familiar with Family Business on Showtime should definitely check it out if you like reality shows, and well porn! Hey, there’s always room for porn right? haha. Anyway, Family Business follows Adam Glasser (a.k.a. Seymore Butts) around and we see what Adam does for a living. He’s a porn director, producer, actor, etc. He’s been in over 70 movies in the past 12 years. He’s sort of a normal guy trying to make his way into the porn industry. He’s also a single dad looking for that special lady who will accept him for being who he is and does. His Mom (book keeper) and Cousin Stevie help run the business. There’s always one crazy relative in the family and that’s Cousin Stevie, who I believe makes the show. He runs the distribution part of the business and gets stuck doing the shit work sometimes too. The stuff he says and does is hilarious!
Each episode is outrageously funny and fun to watch. I think this is the first reality show meant for adults because there’s lots of nudity and screwing in the show. It’s not full scenes or anything, just behind the scenes stuff. The first episode deals with Adam trying to do the Internet dating scene and it doesn’t work out because he has to tell the girls what he does for a living and they are turned off by that. That’s usually the first question they ask him too. “So what do you do for a living?” During his dates, he keeps getting interrupted by his Mom, his editor, etc. Also while he’s on a date, Cousin Stevie has to photograph some guy at a casting call who can’t get it up. Like I said before, shit work haha. Other episodes are about Adam going back to his High School reunion, a friend of the families(I think?) wants to go into porn and Adam tries to dissuade her, Adam and the family go to the adult film awards and Cousin Stevie ends up at the S&M convention instead. So that’s what Family Business is about.
I only got one episode sent to me to review so I never got a chance to check out any more episodes on the DVD box set (I have seen most of the episodes though) and also didn’t get to look at any of the extras on the DVDs either. Though from the looks of it, it looks like there is some cool extras like Deleted Scenes, Commentary, Behind the scenes stuff and more! But if this sounds like something interesting and fun to you, definitely watch Season 2 premiering Jan. 27th at 11pm on Showtime. It might help to get the first season on DVD too!
n- The Jay & Tony Show Comedy Commentary
n- Mother Knows Best: Lila Speaks Her Mind
n- Deleted Scenes
n- Theme Song: “A Different Kind Of Love” performed by Wonderlick
n- Butt Stevie?
n- Behindn-then-Butts
n- Season 2 Preview
n- Family Interviews
Standard 1.33:1 Color
Favorite Scenes: The ones I’ve seen that I liked were the first episode, the one where Adam goes to his high school reunion, the adult film awards, and the one where they are trying to film a sex scene in a parking lot.
Rating: NR
Running Time: 281 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: