Futurama- Complete Third Season
DVD Reviews | Mar 4th, 2005

Starring Billy West, Katey Sagal, John Di Maggio, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, David Herman, Phil LaMarr
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: 20th Century Fox
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The 1st and 2nd seasons of Futurama were my favorite but the 3rd season had a lot of great episodes as well. There is some classic episodes in this season like Amazon Women in the Mood, Anthology of Interest II, and Parasites Lost.
The third season is when it started getting dicked around and pushed back from stupid football games and only had 4 episodes air in the beginning of the season. Why can’t they just air the football games earlier on in the day and not so close to 7pm? I’m sure they can air M.A.S.H. re-runs some other time that weekend.
But anyway, the season was filled with laughs and filled the void of lackluster Simpsons episodes that were airing at the time. My 2 favorite characters on the show are Zapp Branningan and Dr. Zoidberg and they have some great moments in the third season. It just seems everything they say or do is hilarious. I also start to realize how much I look and act like Fry, well minus the red hair. The resemblance is uncanny, it’s very frightening. I have the same haircut, I used to breakdance, both of us have guts, are lazy slackers..the list goes on haha. My favorite episodes of the season that I listed before were great. Amazon Women in the Mood had some of the most classic lines of the series, and I think it’s one of the best episodes as well. Anthology of Interest II is excellent too. Seeing the video game characters scenes were absolutely hilarious. Donkey Kong, Q-bert, Mario, General Pacman and the grieving Mrs. Pacman make appearances. And the Wizard of Oz spoof was great to watch as well. I always liked the themed or not the normal episodes of Futurama and the Simpsons.
But back to the DVD, I only got to get a screener copy of 2 disc so I don’t know what’s on Disc 2 & 3 or I didn’t have a chance to pick up the full boxset set yet. From what I saw though, the DVD quality is awesome. The colors are bright, the audio sounds good on my TV sets and there’s a decent amount of extras on here. There’s commentary with a lot of the writers, producers and cast but I didn’t get to listen to a full commentary yet but I can imagine they will be informative and funny like the previous Season boxsets. One thing that I liked was all the deleted scenes that were compiled for each episode. Some were long, and some were just one scene or joke. Also, some of them were just extended scenes from something that made it into the episode. I liked a lot of them and found them funny but I guess you have to compress the show into 20 minutes or so. There’s a feature where it shows you how to draw Fry and Leela step by step. I wish I went to animation school because it seems like a fun job to draw these characters. I practically can draw certain characters from the Simpsons or Futurama, I just don’t do it the way animators do it. I can draw the heads! haha. There’s a few other things on here but that’s about it. I still wish there was in-depth features of the voice acting and animation. A step by step process on how things were made. I’m not sure if they had those extras on the Simpsons or previous Futurama DVDs yet though. Futurama Season 3 is still a great DVD set to pick up if you are fan of the show.
Disc One:
– Amazon Women In The Mood
– Parasites Lost
– A Tale Of Two Santas
– The Luck Of The Fryrish
– The Birdbot Of Ice-catraz
– Bendless Love
Additional Bonus Features:
– Commentary on all episodes
– Gallery – storyboard images for “Parasites Lost”
– Six deleted scenes
– Three Easter eggs
– David X. Cohen intro for “A Tale of Two Santas”
– Table Read for “A Tale of Two Santas”
– Alternate Show Opening quotes
Disc Two:
– The Day The Earth Stood Stupid
– That’s Lobstertainment!
– Where The Buggalo Roam
– Insane In The Mainframe
– The Route Of All Evil
Additional Bonus Features:
– Commentary on all episodes
– Five deleted scenes
Disc Three:
– Bendin’ In The Wind
– Time Keeps On Slipping
– I Dated A Robot
– A Leela Of Her Own
– A Pharaoh To Remember
Additional Bonus Features:
– Commentary for all episodes
– Three deleted scenes
Disc Four:
– Anthology of Interest II
– Roswell That Ends Well
– Godfellas
– Future Stock
– The 30% Iron Chef
Additional Bonus Features:
– Commentary for all episodes
– Still Gallery/Character Art
– Two “How To Draw Characters” Galleries (Fry and Leela)
– Animatic for “Anthology of Interest II”
– Alternate Animation Commentary for “Roswell That Ends Well”
– International clip
– Nine 3D models from rough draft sequences
– Three deleted scenes
Favorite Scenes: Amazon Women in the Mood, Anthology of Interest II, and Parasites Lost
Rating: Rated NR
Running Time: 506 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: