Garage Days
DVD Reviews | Mar 4th, 2005

Starring Kick Gurry, Maya Stange, Pia Miranda, Russell Dykstra, Brett Stiller, Marton Csokas, Yvette Duncan, Andy Anderson, Tiriel Mora
Written By: Alex Proyas, Dave Warner
Directed By: Alex Proyas
Studio: Fox Searchlight
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Never heard of this movie until now. Not sure what I thought about it, but I didn’t downright hate it so I guess that’s a good thing.
Garage Days follows around an Aussie rock band (Garage Rock, Indie Rock, what the fuck ever!) trying to score that big break in the music scene. The story is really about Freddy, the singer (Kick Gurry) who wants the band to be the top priority but things get in the way and friendships get tossed up in the air. There’s the cute girlie bass player who wants sex all the time and was dating Freddy until he messed that up. There’s Joe, the mental suicidal guitar player who’s never around and just acts like a freakin’ weirdo. and there’s Lucy, the out of control drummer who does a lot of drugs and who happens to wear too much eye liner. Marton Csokas from LOTR, XXX and other movies is also in this and he plays the dickhead major talent scout who Freddy tries to get to listen to their band the entire movie. And finally there’s Bruno, the dimitted band manager who doesn’t have a clue about managing a band at all.
The movie was all right, it’s not something I’d buy but that’s just me. I felt it it had some funny scenes like Bruno dancing around in his room to Tom Jones or the dinner scene with Tanya’s parents. I think the director used too much SFX in a movie when it really didn’t need to have it. Like, who cares about a CGI pill flying in the air in slow-mo? Not everything needs to be slowed down and it’s not always going to look cool either. I think the movie was trying to be Trainspotting or some movie like that too much. I kind of thought the ending was good though, or when they finally got the chance to play in front of a huge crowd, they totally bombed. I thought that was a bit more realistic than rocking out and everyone loving your music, especially when that was one of their first gigs as a band. I think the band should have practiced more and got that whole “can we make it big” crap out of their heads. It’s like having a band make up t-shirts without having a song down. I didn’t really like the characters besides the chicks in the movie. They just didn’t seem interesting to me. I wish that kid Joe killed himself in the movie because he was making me depressed watching him. Freddy was a moron, Lucy was a walking drag queen, and Tanya needed to eat a cheeseburger (but she wasn’t as bad as the others).
There’s a few extras on here like commentary with the director Alex Proyas, some deleted scenes that were decent , some funny outtakes of the cast and a 5 minute behind the scenes feature with the cast and director. Not too bad.
The movie could have been better in a lot of ways but it’s still worth renting if you think you’ll like this film.
– Director Commentary By Alex Proyas
– Six Deleted Scenes
– Outtakes
– Garage Days Backstage Pass
– Behind The Garage Door: Interviews
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
SPANISH: Dolby Digital Surround
Widescreen 1.85:1 Color (Anamorphic) Standard 1.33:1 Color
Favorite Scenes: The dinner scene was pretty funny.
Rating: Not Rated
Running Time: 105 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: