Jericho: The Second Season

DVD Reviews | Jun 18th, 2008

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Starring Skeet Ulrich, Kenneth Mitchell, Ashley Scott, Lennie James, Brad Beyer, Sprague Grayden, Alicia Coppola
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: Paramount
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Jericho is a show that made history. After the ratings weren’t up to CBS’ standards, the show was canceled. The fans of the show didn’t give up without a fight and campaigned for the show like no other fans have done before. They sent CBS and Paramount millions of nuts and the campaign worked. They sent nuts because that’s what Jake said at the end of the season, which was a reference to a World War II quote. After all the drama, the show came back at a lousy 10pm slot time on Tuesday and didn’t do that great in the ratings. It did extremely well for DVR playbacks and streaming episodes; but of course Reuters doesn’t take those things into account. So now the show is officially over after CBS pulled the plug on the show yet again. It’s very discouraging that things ended up this way again, but I guess at least the show is wrapped up…it’s just not something I would have wanted to ended so soon.

For those who don’t know what Jericho is about, it’s about the town of Jericho, Kansas surviving a nuclear holocaust. Most of the town survives the nuclear explosion & fallout, and begin to live their new lives in survival mode. Jake Green, who comes back to town in the beginning of the show becomes the unofficial leader of the town. Hawkins, a mysterious man shows up to town and offers his help. We later find out that Hawkins is on a secret mission and was suppose to be one of the terrorist to blow up the country. At the end of the season, Jericho had a civil war between the neighboring town New Bern and things went bad for some. Jake and Eric Green’s Father got killed in battle and others were killed as well. Just as the war keeps going on, the season ends and gives the viewer “cinematic blueballs.” Which is one reason why so many people were pissed off that the show was canceled. The beginning of the second season, the battle continues on but it doesn’t last long. The new Government’s military shows up and breaks things up. The Cheyenne Government tries to stronghold Jericho and the surrounding cities, but the folks of the town begin to grow suspicious of their real intentions. The town revolts against the new army while Jake & Hawkins get down to bigger and more dangerous things.

Based on the 7 episodes of the season, I think the writers & co. handled this season very well. Of course the original ending was so much better and didn’t feel so rushed. But besides the series finale episode, the whole season was action packed. But at the same time it did feel rushed and lacked some of the character development & light-hearten-ness from the first season. I liked how things ended up on the show and liked the storyline. I thought it was the best way to go by having the show focus mostly on Jake & Hawkins. When you think about it, it’s mostly their show. Of course the rest of the cast is just as great and one of the many reasons why I loved Jericho. The cast of Jericho is probably one of the best ensemble cast in the last decade. But with that said, I would have liked to have seen more scenes of Emily (*drool*), Eric Green and his girlfriend, Dale getting into more trouble, and I would have liked to have seen Gray do more Mayor things. But overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the way the second season ended up.

The bonus features are good and probably the best you’re gonna get from a TV Show. There’s audio commentaries, deleted scenes, a featurette about the show returning, and a featurette about all the nuts. PLUS there’s the un-aired original ending, which has various segments from the last half hour of the last episode. I thought the un-aired ending would be just this short clip but it was a whole another storyline. Instead of going with Jake, Hawkins ends up getting caught by Government and Valente pays him a visit. That ending was really the best one by since CBS was going forward with the show, we got the other version instead.

Jericho’s second & final season is a good one, but it feels rushed. That’s really my only complaint from the season. I just wished CBS promoted it better because I’m sure there could have been more viewers. I doubt the show will see the light of day on another network like Sci-Fi or something. You never know though. Who would have thought there would EVEN be a second season of Jericho. The series finale ties up things for the most part. I think fans will be generally disappointed that they invested all this time to watch the show, only to have it end again.

– Rebuilding Jericho
– Nut Job
– Deleted Scenes
– Audio Commentaries
– Patriots and Tyrants – Alternate Unaired Ending: Segment from Season Finale

ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo CC

Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic)

English, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian

Favorite Scenes: Reconstruction, Jennings & Rall, Oversight, Terminaton For Cause
Rating: NR
Running Time: 347 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: