Little Britain: The Complete Third Series

DVD Reviews | Nov 16th, 2006

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Starring David Walliams, Matt Lucas, Anthony Stewart Head, Tom Baker
Written By:
Directed By: Declan Lowney
Studio: BBC/Warner
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Britain! Britain! Britain! The third series is finally on DVD for the US. The Brits have been enjoying this series on DVD for some time now. Though, it has not gained the popularity of the UK, Little Britain is being shown in over 20 countries and has fans worldwide. Starring David Walliams and Matt Lucas, great actors and writers, provide us with some outlandish and eccentric characters from around the UK. What people get are some of the funniest sketches in years. If you aren’t peeing yourself from the series than something is wrong with you, ironically enough.

With the third series, comes the possibility that Little Britain will not continue, besides the occasional special here and there, so with that, a few new characters are introduced in Series Three and a few old friends show up as well. Everyone you have come to know and love like Vicky Pollard, Lou and Andy, Sebastian Love and Carol “Computer Says No” Beers turn up in this season and as usual provide the most laughs. Also, Walliams and Lucas provide some excellent writing to the show and really makes the show stand out in quality. While the sketches are pretty repetitive as far as the characters doing what they do to make it funny, I still love it. Whether its Vicky Pollard rambling off in a court room, or Andy sneaking around on Lou and “walking” and usually misbehaving, these characters are unique and hilarious. It’s not just Matt and David. Tony Head (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) also lends a hand as Prime Minister and really is just as brilliant as the others. Tom Baker from Doctor Who is outstanding as the Narrator and the silly things coming out of his mouth are priceless.

While you only get 6 episodes with Series 3, its not about quantity, but quality and for the most part that’s what you get. Besides all the episodes, a 2nd disc is provided that is just as good as disc 1. On that disc you get a South Bank Special which features Matt and David in rehearsals, the writing process, on location and preparing for the live show. Not to mention the boys head home and are interviewed with their mothers which was quite amusing. A really great special to check out if you are obsessed with the show like I am. Other features on disc 2 are Highlights from BBC’s Little Britain Night which featured the cast and spent most of the special doing interviews and reflecting back on the sketches and character of the last 3 series. I also enjoyed David Walliams on Top Gear, a car show, which features Walliams test driving a car on a track and driving pretty crazy too. Good thing I wouldn’t want to drive over there. Don’t forget to also check out about 35 minutes of deleted scenes, with some funny sketches cut but as usual a few fall flat and were left out for good reason.

If you haven’t seen an episode yet, I always show newcomers Series 2 as it provides the best laughs and gross out factor as well. Then if they get sucked in, go back to Series 1 and start from scratch. Since the sketches are pretty self explanatory, you aren’t missing too much of the plot development or anything like that as you would in a drama or sitcom. Series 3 is still a very funny season but I think it kind of lost it’s novelty from the first two seasons. Its sad to see the show not come back as far as a full season but I think it’s best to go out on top. This year, stay tuned for a Christmas Special from the boys. I’m sure I will tune in!

-Highlights from the BBC’s Little Britain Night
-Commentaries on All Episodes and Deleted Scenes
-Richard and Judy Interview with Matt and David
-“Heresy” Radio Episode
-David Walliams on Top Gear

-English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)

-Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic)


Favorite Scenes: Anything from Lou and Andy, Ting Tong & Dudley, Vicky Pollard, Sebastian Love, Carol Beers, hell all of them really.
Rating: NR
Running Time: 170 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: