Look at All the Love We Found – A Tribute to Sublime
DVD Reviews | Nov 2nd, 2006

Starring Fishbone, Unwritten Law, Ozomatli, Los Lobos, The Ziggens and more
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: Music Video Distributors/Cornerstone RAS
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Following on the heals of the Sublime tribute album by the same name, and the apparent surge of Sublime products that mark the tenth anniversary of lead singer Bradley Nowell’s death, Look At All The Love We Found: Live brings together a unique collection of musicians for a benefit concert in honor of a band that has influenced many artists and musicians worldwide.
Originally, I had thought that this DVD would contain a full-length concert if not most of one. After watching the DVD, I have to say that I am very disappointed. What you get here isn’t really much of a concert at all, but more like choice cuts from the many bands that performed. Instead of getting to experience what I’m sure was an amazing night of live music, you’re stuck with a song that was randomly plucked from the middle of the set list. There are also some songs that were chosen that have absolutely nothing to do with Sublime. Take “Alphabet Aerobics” by Blackalicious…I really don’t remember that Sublime song where Brad rapped out a song with each sentence starting with a different letter of the alphabet. “Saturday Night” by Ozomatli is listed on the DVD as “April 29th”, but sounds nothing like it. I would like to point something out that, if this is a tribute to Sublime and to their music, I don’t want to hear some other band that I don’t like playing one of their own songs. I could probably deal with them if they did a Sublime cover but if I wanted to watch them live, I would go out and buy their DVD’s. I’m not fond of most of the artist on here and about 80% of the performances were fast-forwardable. The Ziggens rocked as usual with a signature surf-rock cover of “Paddle Out”, Long Beach Shortbus did a great cover of “Badfish” (which they did when I saw them live as well), Unwritten Law was pretty good and I was surprised by the AWOL and friends cover of “Waiting For My Ruca”, but the band that no doubt blew everyone else out of the water was none other than the legendary Fishbone. There was seriously no comparison. Angelo Moore is fucking nuts, as was their cover of “Date Rape”. The all-star jam session with just about every member of every band that played that night was hit or miss with me. Sometimes they sounded like they had no idea what was going on but “What I Got” sounded fair enough.
I’m not sure why the DVD is only an hour long or why none of the Tim Armstrong/Tony Kanal/Aggrolites stuff shows. I am only left wondering why something that could have been so great is so terrible. I really wish that the first tribute concert right after Brad’s death were put to film. It would have put this sorry thing to shame. As an added bonus though, the DVD comes with an audio CD of Sublime covers that weren’t good enough to make it on the first two tribute CD’s. Other than the live audio versions of a couple of the songs from the DVD, and the Brain Failure cover of Burritos, which sounds like Gogol Bordello and has a brief Santeria breakdown in it, there isn’t much to write home about.
Being a big Sublime fan from way back when, I feel that Look At All The Love fell short of what it could have been…a special moment in time where we pay tribute to arguably one of the most influential bands to come around in the past twenty years. This DVD falls short of its potential and comes off more like a music video compilation than a live concert DVD. In my opinion, Look At All The Love We Found isn’t much of a tribute to the legacy of Sublime.
“Pawn Shop” from the “Look At All The Love We Found” album release party (featuring original Sublime drummer Bud Gaugh)
A music video for Fishbone’s version of “Date Rape”
An in-depth photo slide show detailing the special events
Bonus Audio CD featuring unreleased tracks
Favorite Scenes: The Ziggens-Paddle Out, Fishbone-Date Rape, Long Beach Shortbus-Badfish, AWOL-Waiting For My Ruca
Rating: NR
Running Time: 60 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: