Lost: The Complete Second Season: The Extended Experience

DVD Reviews | Sep 7th, 2006

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Starring Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Naveen Andrews, Terry O’ Quinn, Dominic Monaghan, Josh Holloway, Malcolm David Kelly, Jorge Garcia, Michelle Rodriguez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: Buena Vista/ABC
Buy on Amazon.com link

With its sophomore season, Lost is back for another wild and exciting ride. Emmy winner for Best Drama last season is stronger than ever with the second season. While the episodes are bit different than the previous season, the show still provides an excellent and intriguing story. Not to mention there is a great balance of Island and pre-Island stories to tell. Lost is one of the most watched shows on Television and is one of my personal favorites. Starring an amazing cast, with a slew of writers that can keep anyone on the edge of their seat, Lost definitely doesn’t disappoint.

When Season Two returned, it started just where we left off with Season One. Jack, Locke and Kate staring down the Hatch. Suffering all summer long, we finally are revealed to what is inside the hatch in the very first episode. Primarily, the 2nd season focuses on the Hatch, and the origins of how that came about. Well, it’s not exactly spelled out for us, but some of the members of Oceanic Flight 815 certainly try to figure out its meaning. Also, with this season, we get to see what happened to the other survivors of the flight and the tail section of the plane. Known as the “Tailies,” viewers get to finally see where they were, and some of the Tailies also get a few flashbacks as well. I know some people think the flashbacks are a big waste of time, but I enjoy them because it gives the fans a back story on the people of the Island. Occasionally the flashbacks make you pay close attention because some of the characters stories cross paths. With the size of the cast, which is more of ensemble than individual stars, some of the characters only get one flashback episode for the season. It’s good to see but can be frustrating because you get a glimpse of what that person was like prior to the island and it sucks you in, but leaves you wanting more. As a fan, I hope the show would continue for years so I can get flashbacks on all the characters several times over. Another frustrating aspect of the series is that the show has had some lag time in between episodes and I think lost its steam with some of the episodes. Yeah, some episodes lack the intensity of others, but I see it as the calming before the storm. Within a season, a series has its ups and downs, with the majority of the higher intensity episodes in the beginning, middle, and end of the seasons and some filler episodes mostly. Lost is no different.

Focusing on the cast of the show, Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Terry O”Quinn, Evangeline Lilly are the primary players on the show and still turn in the best performances. Adding to that are some new faces like Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Mr Eko, who is my new favorite character and Michelle Rodriguez as Anna Lucia (definitely not a favorite!). Let’s just say I was glad see isn’t getting anymore flashbacks, so to speak. You can’t forget some of the old faces that have been on the island as well like Dominic Monaghan’s drug addict Charlie, and Malcolm David Kelley’s Michael. All of the cast really have amazing chemistry and make each character really believable. I don’t know what the Emmy voters were thinking this year because this cast deserved to be nominated. I don’t get it.

With a great show, comes great extra features. A whole 7th disc is devoted to the season’s extras. As you pop the disc in you are greeted by a familiar face from the 2nd season that lays out the task appointed to the DVD viewer. You have three phases and must complete each task in those phases. Basically a creative way of integrating the show and the fun of viewing the extras. Phase I deals with several featurettes: Fire and Water: Anatomy of an episode. This gives the viewer a great look on how one episode is brought to life from the conception all the way to the production of the episode. The next two were my personally favorites. Lost: On Location is broken down in segments and gives an inside look into several episodes with behind the scenes footage and interviews. A funny bit included is “The World According to Sawyer,” which is a compilation of footage of all of Sawyer’s lovely nicknames for everyone. It’s pretty good stuff since Sawyer is a walking-talking pop culture machine throughout each season. That’s just Phase I. Phase II covers the flashbacks, bloopers, deleted scenes and a UK promo for the show. Phase III covers Lost Connections, Mysteries, Theories and Conspiracies and Secrets From the Hatch. Overall, hours of extra footage beyond the season, which is a great reference to bone up before Season Three.

Lost is one of the best shows on TV and it’s evident in this DVD box set. Looking back with Season Two, it helps refresh your memory and gives you a second chance at some things that might have been missed. I sure as hell will not be missing Season Three, because it promises to be just as good as Season One and Two.

-Lost Flashbacks
-The “Official” Lost Connections – An Interactive Experience With Never-Before-Seen Footage
-Fire + Water: Anatomy Of An Episode
-Secrets From The Hatch
-Deleted Scenes
And Much More!

ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo CC

Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic)


Favorite Scenes: Man of Science Man of Faith, Orientation, ?, The 23rd Psalm, Live Together, Die Alone
Rating: NR
Running Time: 1056 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: