Louis C.K.: Chewed Up
DVD Reviews | Jan 2nd, 2009

Starring Louis C.K.
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: Image Entertainment
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Louis C.K. is one of my favorite comedians these days. Hens raunchy and obscene; he tells it how it is, and reveals way too much information about his family and himself. Even though he has children, it just seems like hens a guy that can’t stand them. That’s my kind of comedian! Louis C.K.n latest comedy special aired on Showtime so if you haven’t seen that special, this DVD is a must-own for fans of the hilarious comedian!
Writer/Director/Actor/Comedian/Editor Louis C.K’s latest TV special aired on Showtime and he covers such topics like the words that you shouldn’t say, hitting a deer with his car, masturbating, troubles of fatherhood, and having sex with women and not girls. He covers a lot of ground in this hour long special. I particularly like Louis C.K. when he attacks his own children and makes me think twice about wanting kids. I’m sure I’ll be just as grumpy as him when I become a Dad. It’s just hilarious to me when he calls his daughters idiots, assholes and any other insulting word you might think of. I’m sure his kids will really ENJOY this DVD when they get older. That is, if Louis even shows his kids his comedy specials.
I also like Louis C.K. when hens raunchy and talks about guy stuff. Stuff that a guy shouldn’t be telling people and admitting to an audience. I’m sure everyone has skeletons in their closets, but Louis reveals all. Some of the things he talks about probably make women cringe. But then again, what do you expect from stand-up? If you go to a comedy act, expect to hear some filthy shit. To me, Louis can talk about anything and make it funny. Like the bit about him hitting a deer with his car. For someone who lives in the suburbs with the deer running out in the streets all the time, I found this bit really funny. He was glad the deer was gonna die after hitting it with his car. I’m sure everyone has felt that way after hitting an animal. I know I have.
If you enjoy Louis C.K.’s comedy, then this DVD is worth purchasing. I was laughing my ass off for an hour watching Chewed Up. The only extra included on the DVD is Louis answering fan mail for over a half hour. It’s great because you learn about Louis and what his background was. Some might just want the comedy performance, but the added extra was a nice touch by Louis. Who also edited his own DVD by the way. So go out and support funny comedy by getting Chewed Up on DVD and check out Louis C.K. in a town near you!
Louis C.K. Interview
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo
Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic)
Favorite Scenes:
Rating: NR
Running Time: 61 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: