Scrubs: The Complete 5th Season
DVD Reviews | May 28th, 2007

Starring Zach Braff, John C. McGinley, Aloma Wright, Sarah Chalke, Judy Reyes, Christa Miller, Donald Faison, Neil Flynn
Written By: Bill Lawrence
Directed By: Paul Quinn
Studio: Disney/Buena Vista
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Another Scrubs season on DVD is upon us and its another season I barely saw on TV. I really really try to watch the TV series when it’s on TV, I even save them on DVR. I just can’t find time to watch the series until it comes on DVD. Scrubs is still one of the funniest comedies on TV, and thankfully NBC brought back more episodes for next season. But if you want to catch up on the show, you got five DVDs worth of watching to do now. Come on, I know you got nothing better to do this summer!
The fifth season of Scrubs is like any other season. J.D’s still a moron when it comes to girls and he’s pretty much an idiot for passing up great opportunities with Heather Graham and now Mandy Moore. I won’t count Tera Reid since she’s a skanky booze hound. Dr Cox still gives long-winding, sarcastic responses to anyone that asks for his advice or a question. The Janitor still finds new ways of tormenting J.D, Dr. Kelso is still a grumpy old fart. Turk and Carla are desperately trying to have a baby, and learning that making a baby isn’t it’s all cracked up to be. Some other episodes in the fifth season of Scrubs include J.D trying to show Cox & Kelso how to treat interns, Dr. Cox’s religious sister pays a visit, J.D. Gets freaked out that his girlfriend doesn’t laugh at anything but says “that’s so funny”, Turk doesn’t want to hang out with J.D because it’s messing up “Turk Time.” Believe me Turk, I feel the way sometimes with people haha.
After seeing another season of Scrubs, I still have to say it’s still one of the best comedies out there today. It’s smart, very clever and really funny. But there’s also a dramatic side to the show at times, which I don’t necessarily care for but sometimes those situations are realistic..I guess those sort of things like death have to happen on a doctor show. But there’s still plenty of goofiness and hijinks, more so than other seasons it seems. I still crack up at Dr Cox’s speeches, even though it might take awhile to get to the punchlines. I also love how the Janitor continues to pick on J.D, like tricking him to help him move out and bonding with him…until J.D realizes they aren’t moving the Janitor’s stuff, they are robbing strangers. Even though the Janitor vs J.D has been done to death, I still find it very funny. I thought the storyline of Turk and Carla to be better this season as oppose to last season. There were a lot funnier than usual I thought. There’s really not much else to say about the season, it’s just good and you should watch it. Of course if you never seen the show before, get the earlier seasons and start from there. If you enjoyed the 5th season of Scrubs, then be sure to get this DVD!
Extended Cut of 100th Episode
Audio Commentaries
Deleted Scenes
And Much More
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
Standard 1.33:1 Color
Favorite Scenes: My Intern’s Eyes, My Missed Perception, My Way Home, My Half-Acre, My Own Personal Hell
Rating: NR
Running Time: 230 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: