Sealab 2021: Season 2
DVD Reviews | Apr 10th, 2005
Starring Harry Goz, Erik Estrada, Bill Lobley, Brett Butler, Kate Miller, Ellis Henican, Chris Ward
Written By:
Directed By: Adam Reed, Matt Thompson
Studio: Warner Brothers
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That wacky Adult Swim show Sealab 2021 is back on DVD with the complete second season. It’s a two disc set containing all 13 episodes of the show, plus with commentary on every episode. I like the first season the best but the second season has some funny episodes as well.
If you never saw an episode of Cartoon Network’s Sealab 2021 late at night on Adult Swim, it’s a rehash version of the shitty Hanna Barbara cartoon from the 70’s. They reanimated the original cartoon and re-dubbed the voices. They also animate and add on to the original characters. As well The style is pretty crappy looking but the style works. It’s quite amusing to see how many episodes the creators and animators can come up with using the same poses and facial expressions. Sometimes episodes consist of nothing but dialogue and you just see the outside of Sealab. Those episodes are funny because they are just outrageous. Actually all the episodes are outrageous.
This season brings even more insanity and tons of humor. Captain Murphy (Harry Goz) is totally off the rocker and for me, is the highlight of the show. Though Stormy (Ellis Henican) is probably my second favorite character because he’s just an extremely stupid person who happens to have really nice hair. I think the second season was just weird with the storylines. Some of the episodes were really OUT THERE. The Bizarro episode was really funny but annoying at the same time. The reason why it was annoying was the Bizarro Dr Quinn was a midget size half Quinn/half bird. All it said was Bizarro for ten minutes. Ugh, I couldn’t take it, It was Bizarro annoying! Tinfins was hilarious because it was a great spoof on MTV behind the scenes shows. The show kept getting interrupted by commercials of Grizzlebees. A restaurant that serves “blooming onion” and other type of onion food. Plus the host that is interviewing everyone in the mock behind the scenes show is a total bimbo, which suits MTV very well. This is the type of stuff you can expect on Sealab 2021, just outright stupidity and humor. It’s Great!
The Second Season DVD extras were satisfying. The first part I watched was the “Tribute to Harry Goz.” Harry voiced Captain Murphy brilliantly and passed away in 2003 from Cancer. Harry’s Son is now on the show and voices Captain Shanks, Murphy’s replacement. His son, Bill Lobley who’s the voice of Sparks, and the creators of the show Adam Reed and Matt Thompson all paid tribute to Harry by discussing how great it was to work with him. They say he was a great Father figure and nothing like Captain Murphy. Who’s a complete idiot and not aware of anything around him. It was a nice way of saying goodbye I suppose. There was commentary on all the episodes but the audio was horrible. Plus there was 20 Questions with the cast, which was a hot girl in a bikini asking questions to the cartoon characters. Plus there are a few more things on here, all with girls in bikinis! WHICH WAS AWESOME BY THE WAY!
If you like this show and want to watch it over and over again; then you need to go out and get this DVD. The third season is being released this summer as well. The cartoon is for people with an obscure sense of humor, but I’d check out the show on Adult Swim first if you never saw the show. Then if you like it, then get the seasons on DVD.
Commentary on all 13 episodes
A tribute to Harry Goz
20 questions with cast
Tour of 70-30
Rough cut of Der Dieb
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital Stereo CC
Standard 1.33:1 Color
Favorite Scenes: Tinfins, Bizarro, Hail Squishface, Der Dieb
Rating: NR
Running Time: 145 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: