The Simpsons: The Complete 7th Season
DVD Reviews | Dec 26th, 2005

Starring Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: 20th Century Fox
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Well Fox sort of listened to the bitchy fans and decided to offer two types of packages for collectors. I was lucky enough to get the good packaging, you know, the one that doesn’t look like a stupid head. I was glad to get this DVD before Xmas, and I’ve been watching all the episodes nonstop. This season was still in the series’ prime, and many of the episodes were actually funny. I can’t stomach to watch the new episodes though and I think the series needs to throw in the towel. But maybe I’ll give the newer seasons a chance once they hit DVD.
Season 7 continues the infamous Who Shot Mr Burns episode, and you get to finally know who did it. Which was Maggie Simpson all along and not Mr. Smithers. So it’s ok for a baby to shoot someone I guess. It’s always the quiet ones! Next in the season, Milhouse gets picked over Bart to be Fall Out Boy, Radioactive Man’s sidekick in the feature movie. Other episodes include Bart selling his soul to Milhouse and then regretting it, Homer becomes really really really fat and stays at home to work, Sideshow Bob returns and tries to get back at everyone by blowing the world up, Home creates a bowling team with Apu, Otto and Moe until Mr Burns joins the team and screws everything up. Plus you can’t forget the episodes where George Bush moves in next store, Selma marries Troy McClure and where Homer stops cannon fire with his gut. This season has a lot of funny episodes!
Another Simpsons season, more funny episodes to be had. Once I got the DVD set, I really couldn’t stop watching the episodes. I guess I was just in a Simpsons mood. The one episode that stood out in my mind was Radioactive Man. I love Rainer Wolfcastle because he’s a spoof of Arnold S. Plus I love all the quotes from that episode as well, like “Up and Atom!” and “My eyes, the goggles do nothing!” Each episode has classic lines like that as well. Around seasons 5-8 is when I remember the Simpsons being in it’s prime creativity-wise & funny-wise. That’s when every other episode wasn’t about stupid Lisa! But I also love the episodes King-Size Homer (when Homer gets fat), Two Bad Neighbors (George Bush moves in and the episode is a spoof on Dennis the Menace), and 22 Short Films About Springfield (Pulp Fiction spoof). Not really much more to talk about concerning the show. It was a funny season, it didn’t sucked and is worth getting. Nuff said!
Like the Season 6 DVD, this set contains funny animated menus featuring all the characters doing funny things. Just leave the menu running for a good 5 minutes and you’ll see different things happen among the characters. And you can tell what episodes are on here too because you’ll see King Sizer Homer up there, or Sideshow Bob or George Bush. I just giggle at the menus and think it’s something they totally got right. The extras on the set contain the usual stuff, the commentaries on every episode, animators discussing things about various episodes using a line pointer thing, deleted scenes for selected episodes, and a featurette on that 3D Homer scene. Pretty interesting stuff.
Overall, another great Simpsons season on DVD! I hope Fox keeps at the pace that they are releasing the sets because there’s still a lot of funny episodes to see on DVD. And maybe I’ll give the last two seasons a chance once they make their way onto DVD. But for now, I’ll enjoy the good seasons…
Special Introduction from Matt Groening
Audio Commentaries on every episode with Creator Matt Groening, Executive Producers Bill Oakley, Josh Weinstein and David Mirken, joined by Writers, Actors and Directors
“Homer In The Third Dimension” Featurette
Multi-Angle Animation Showcases
Animators’ Illustrated Commentaries
Original Sketches
Deleted Scenes
Special Language Feature
And Much More!
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1
SPANISH: Dolby Digital Surround
FRENCH: Dolby Digital Surround
Standard 1.33:1 Color
English, Spanish
Favorite Scenes: Radioactive Man, King Size Homer, Bart Sells His Soul, Treehouse of Horror Six, The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular, The Day The Violence Died, 22 Short Films About Springfield
Rating: NR
Running Time: 571 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: