The Tick Vs. Season Two
DVD Reviews | Aug 29th, 2007

Starring Townsend Coleman, Micky Dolenz
Written By: Ben Edlund
Directed By:
Studio: Disney/Buena Vista
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Everyone’s favorite blue-suited parasite is back with another season of armless adventures and raucous do-goodery.
Season two picks up right where season one let off…with the Tick patrolling the City with his chubby sidekick, the ever-loving Arthur. This time we are introduced to some new villains with the likes of Venus, The Ottoman, The Mother of I’vention (a Frank Zappa tribute?), and Multiple Santa among others. Whereas the first season introduced the Tick and his supporting cast, season two brings back many of foul villains which have plagued the Tick before. The Tick goes up against his young nemesis Brainchild in one of my personal favorites (the Tick is turned into a two-headed bluebird that can only speak high school French) and El Seed returns to spread the seed of evil.
There were a lot of new characters introduced during this season but they were hit and miss. “Ants In Pants” was kind of lame and was basically about ants that steal glass. “The Tick vs. Reno, Nevada” introduced Mr. Smarty Pants, a villainous talking dolphin but the rest of the episode was confusing and Mr. Smarty Pants’ trainers were very annoying. But on the flipside of things, some of the best episodes of the show were aired during season two. “Heroes” was a parody of the TV show “COPS” and introduced The Deadly Bulb and his pig leg not to mention the classic line “Whoa, roof pig. Most unexpected!” “The Tick Loves Santa” dealt with a bank robber who stole a charity workers Santa suit, got electrocuted and was able to multiply and create an army of evil Santas. With no one left to believe in the real Santa except the Tick…all hope was lost until the real Santa showed up to lend a helping hand. “The Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love” introduced both Little Wooden Boy, the Tick’s temporary sidekick who is obviously made of wood and Carmelita, a fellow moth suit hero and Arthur’s new love interest. In arguably the single greatest episode of “The Tick” showed up during second season and was called “The Tick vs. The Big Nothing”. It followed the Tick and Arthur as they were abducted from their homes by The Whats, a race of aliens who only know one word… “WHAT”, and the heroes must defeat the scourge of the universe…The Heys who, you guessed it, only know one word… “HEY”. With the universe at stake, the Tick and Arthur must travel at the speed of lint and stop The Big Nothing from destroying the universe. If one episode were to embody the zaniness and quirky humor of “The Tick” this would be the episode.
As with season one, “The Tick Vs. Season Two” is missing an episode. With Disney’s apparent need to avoid controversy at all costs, they have decided to remove episode 15, “Alone Together” where the Tick encounters Omnipotus, Devourer of Worlds who is an obvious parody of Marvel’s own world-eater, Galactus. It’s a shame that this episode was not included because it is not only one of the funniest, but also one of the most well written episodes from the entire series. The lack of this episode leads into the lack of extra features. You get a collectible lithograph, which is cool, but that’s about it.
With the one dark spot on the DVD releases of the Tick being the lack of certain episodes for whatever reasons, everything else including being able to actually own the Tick on DVD in the first place are definite bright spots in my book. There’s room for improvement with the next release (if there is a next release) with the addition of some extra features (hopefully) and to be able to own the complete seasons without having an omitted Omnipotus and other episodes that fail to show up. Until then, I hope that time travels at the speed of lint until “The Tick Vs. Season Three” shows up in my mailbox.
English and French language tracks, Dolby 2.0 Surround Sound
Full Frame (1.33:1)
Favorite Scenes: Heroes, The Tick Loves Santa, The Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love, The Tick vs. The Big Nothing
Rating: NR
Running Time: 255 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: