The Unit- Season 1
DVD Reviews | Oct 19th, 2006
Starring Robert Patrick, Dennis Haysbert, Regina Taylor, Audrey Marie Anderson, Abby Brammell, Scott Foley, Michael Irby, Max Martini, Demore Barnes
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: 20th Century Fox/CBS
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Did you ever wonder how Special Forces of the U.S. Military handles their business, or how their families deal with their love ones being involved with such a dangerous lifestyle? The Unit helps to shed light on such things. Created by David Mamet and Shawn Ryan(The Shield), the series involves around the life of both an Elite unit of Special Forces and their wifes back home. Kind of 24 meets Desperate Housewives. Starring Dennis Haysbert as Jonas Blane, and Robert Patrick as Colonel Tom Ryan who is in charge of The Unit. With a fair blend of action and family storylines, The Unit is a great balance for a family to enjoy together.
Imagine living a life where you work for a prestigious and an elite unit of Delta Force for the US Military and you don’t know where you will be the next day or the next? Also, thinking about your family and their safety is a big issue as well. As shown on the series, The Unit as they are called all live in a military development of homes near or on base, and are a well-knit group. Jonas Blane (Haysbert) is the leader of The Unit, and is a strong, intense soldier but at the same time a loving husband and father. Jonas surrounds himself with world-class soldiers and the best of the best. The Unit are responsible for most of the missions that outsiders of the Military and the public are unaware of. Ultra secret and deadly if one were to find out, The Unit generally stick to themselves and their families. The wifes are also given the task of keeping their husbands jobs a secret. Sometimes this can be troubling for them. For the wifes, they would love to go around and say their husbands are heroes and the best soldiers in the world, but that would compromise their husband’s line of work, and their lives. What is especially frustrating for them is that they do not receive credit for their missions and risk their lives in the process. New to The Unit is Bob Brown (Scott Foley) and for him, its a tough transition. The boys in the unit are tough on him because this is someone they entrust their life with and need to know he will never crack under pressure. Pressure is something that these men will constantly face and to have a wavering soldier would be deadly. Bob Brown though is very quick on his feet and very knowledgeable of many things involving the missions. Another interesting storyline involves a love triangle. Col. Tom Ryan (Patrick) is fooling around with one of his men’s wife played by and Abby Brammell and Max Martini. Normally, this type of storyline would be left out of a Military show but since this focuses on the wifes as well it makes sense to throw some drama into it. Ya know… women.
13 episodes comprise the first season and generally are very entertaining on both the action/military front and the domestic side of it. While I am not as interested in the domestic side of it, I still enjoy seeing what the ladies are up to, while their husbands are off saving the day. I hope the 2nd season can build upon the storylines of each family and show how each came into being in The Unit. I think Jonas Blane is a great character and the show really needs to delve into this character. I think he has a great story to tell and his character has only lightly scratched the surface. Same for Bob Brown and the rest of the guys.
Not much as far as extras go besides a Inside Delta Force Featurette and commentary for the SERE episode. That episode was probably one of the best of Season One as it shows what the soldiers will endure as far as torturing from the enemy.
If this type of television show sounds interesting to you, It’s not too late to watch it and check it out. Most episodes can be watched on their own, and you won’t be entirely too much plot details for the show. I enjoyed watching it last season and still continuing to watch The Unit.
The Unit- Season One DVD is available now and The Unit is on CBS Tuesdays at 9pm.
-Optional Commentary on “SERE”
-Inside Delta Force Featurette
ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
Widescreen 1.78:1 Color (Anamorphic)
English, Spanish, French
Favorite Scenes: First Responders, Sere, Morale Welfare and Recreation, The Wall
Rating: NR
Running Time: 564 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: