X-Men Legends
Game Reviews | Mar 3rd, 2005
Company: Activision
Platform: XBOX
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I was very eager to play the recent incarnation of the X-Men franchise, X-Men Legends by Activision, simply because I have been a fan of the series since before I can remember. What better than a game that gives me two of my favorite elements in one sleek package; role playing games, and X-Men.
The game starts off with a great intro, in which you learn that the anti-human mutants are uprising again, and you, as the heroic team of X-Men, are put in the position to stop them. You start as Wolverine, and go through an initial training storyline, which does a relatively good job of explaining where to go, what to do, and how to do it. As you progress, you eventually pick up a secondary character, Cyclops, who helps you defeat the unmovable Blob. The nice thing here is that you can switch between the two characters rather easily, trading up power attacks and combos.
As your players gain experience (XP for the rest of the review) you are given the task of upgrading skills and abilities which really allows you to shape how your eventual team will turn out. Over the course of the game, you will have 15 characters from the comics at your disposal; some specifically needed to complete certain missions, so you need to make sure you are advancing everyone instead of just one or two favorite characters.
The graphics for the game are, in my opinion, top notch for this type of game. The cell shading really gives it that comic book feeling, and the animations, both in combat and just walking around, make you feel like you are actually a superhero, at least in your living room.
The story is true to the comics, with extra attention being paid to the already long history of the book. Any true fan should not be disappointed by the content. I find myself anxious to come home each night to see how much further in I can get, because I want to know what will happen next.
Bottom Line:
Favorite Aspects: Ripping into anything and everything with Wolverines claws
Overall Rating: