Double Jeopardy

Movie Reviews | Sep 15th, 1999

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Starring Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones
Written By: David Weisberg, Douglas Cook
Directed By: Bruce Beresford

I actually liked this movie. Ashley Judd is so gorgeous in this movie and did an excellent job.

Tommy Lee Jones did another superb job as cop kind of character but this time a parole officer. The plot was good and there was some suspenseful moments. One part that was cool was when Ashley Judd got knock-out and was put in a coffin with an old decaying corpse.

Ok, here’s my part of the review were I rant about people who talk during the whole movie. These old people wouldn’t shut up. Commenting about how nice the house was, who that person, who did what, etc etc. I could have been a complete dick and told them to shut the fuck up but I just made obnoxious comments like..”oh that dining room is sooo pretty.”

But anyway folks, the movie is a good entertaining movie and I say go see if you like a good action thriller kind of flick.

Rating: R
Running Time: 105 minutes
Overall Rating:


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