Final Destination

Movie Reviews | Mar 17th, 2000

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Starring Some teens
Written By: James Wong, Glen Morgan, Jeffrey Reddick
Directed By: James Wong

I think Final Destination to be a dark comedy instead of a suspense thriller.

Sixth Sense, it was not however it was a fun movie. If you’re a fan of gore then this is right up you’re alley, just dont expect and plot twists or suprises. The dialoge was pretty cleche but there were some funny parts. The characterization was sterotypical, asshole jock, asshole jocks cheerleader girlfriend, loser, outsider, and average kid, all tempting to join together and fight the evils that be. The really funny part about this movie was the actual death scenes. They were so elaborate, so contrived, and so violent that one could not help but laugh.

The best scene was when the teacher dies, pure comedy. I will give the movie credit for special effects and cinematography. The atmosphere was more than spoocky and certainly help where the plot lacked. I would recommend this movie for those who have nothing better to do on a friday night, and all the good movies are sold out.

Running Time: 98 minutes
Overall Rating:


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