New York Comic Con: Friday, October 4th, 2019 Recap
Articles | Oct 6th, 2019
Another year has gone by and it’s time for another Comic Con here in New York City. Arriving bright and early, I headed over to the Javits Center to check in and see what the exhibit floor had to offer. There were already a ton of people being herded in many directions. It’s always so bizarre to see people walking down the streets of New York dressed in costumes, and not in the full context of where they are going. Most people would just go, ah, has to be Comic Con weekend. For the others, I’d love to know what they are thinking. Probably have a good idea.
Once I arrived inside, I checked out the exhibit floor which had a ton of cool items for sale and lot of interactive pieces as well. I spotted what seemed to be Norman Reedus on display in some Halo type costume, which was really cool. Obviously it wasn’t him but definitely stars in this new game, and I was able to get up close to take some photos of the life-like display. It was freaky! I was half expected the eyes to start moving and for him to grab me. Supposedly, a 3 time Emmy winner that dresses up corpses and other things for shows, designed this Reedus look alike for the game and display.
Other cool features I found exploring were giant old school arcade games for visitors to check out and play, and also the latest in VR technology with the new Iron Man game from Marvel. That looked cool, if I had more time I would have loved to try that out.
Between anime, comics, some film, and book spaces the exhibition had a little bit of everything for people to check out. After walking around a little more before it got mobbed, I headed downstairs to see if the Billy Dee Williams “panel” was about to start. I was a few minutes early and got on line and seated inside. It was exciting to see the 82 year old New York native speak to a very large crowd in the Javits Center. First, we were all treated to a great montage of all the work Billy Dee has done over the years including Brian’s Song, Batman, obviously all the Star Wars films and guest spots like Robot Chicken. Billy didn’t really offer anything new on the upcoming Rise of Skywalker film due in December. He just said it was great to be back and playing Lando again and in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Most of the time was spent answering questions from the audience. I definitely felt for him as he had to answer some silly questions. Reminded me of the William Shatner at a convention bit from SNL. Some random questions had him perplexed and unsure how to answer. For instance, someone asked him if he was actually gobbled up by the Sarlac Pit in Return of the Jedi and was being digested for a 1,000 years, what would be the one thing or item he would want to keep him company. He was like I have no idea. Someone also asked him if he found anything in Donald Glover’s interpretation of playing Lando in the recent Solo: a Star Wars Story that he enjoyed. He said he finds Glover a fine, young talent and no disrespect to him but there’s really only one Lando, and that’s himself. Billy Dee was appreciative of how long he has had an enduring career in the movie business but didn’t offer anything earth shattering as far as new information. He also was very sweet, and funny at times.
After the discussion, I headed upstairs where the convention center was in a full controlled chaos with guests on lines for everything and more people showing up. I wandered the rest of my time between outside the exhibition floor and outside where cosplayers hung out and posed for pics. It was definitely more enjoyable to just hang outside and snap some photos of guests and the cosplay. I loved how all the food trucks were lined up outside as well and you didn’t have to go through security again if you wanted to grab a bite. Loved the Mac n cheese truck! After a few hours of running all over grabbing pics, I was spent and had to escape. It can get a bit overwhelming. A friend of mine made a joke that it’s like Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards being suffocated by battle. We all get it if you’ve been to a Comic Con in the world.
Photos from the day: